Thursday, August 7, 2014

Some Thursday Randomness

Thursday Randomness

Came across this artist this week. They turn Disney characters steampunk. You can find Mecanique Fairy's Deviant Art page here.
Queen of Heart by Mecanique Fairy
Tinkerbell by Mecanique Fairy

I still love this series. There have been some misses along the way but I still look forward to new books coming out. I also love that this is a cross over between her Dark Hunters and Lords of Avalon (Kinley MacGregor). More about Son of No One here.

My son's favorite week of the year. Shark Week starts Sunday 8/10/14 on Discovery Channel.

REMUS SharkCam: The hunter and the hunted from Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. on Vimeo.


  1. Those illustrations are so cute! I think Scar is my favorite =)

    1. I liked that one as well. There's just something about Tinkerbell that is a natural fit in this world

  2. I'm totally pinning the red queen to my Alice board! Mecanique Fairy has a new fan thanks to you. Happy Friday, Kristina!
