Friday, June 17, 2011

Follow Friday & Blog Hop

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee. This weeks question:
Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and what book in that genre made it your favorite?
A. Even though I have been reading a lot of others my fave is still paranoramal romance.  As for a book, there wasn't just one book, it was the Three Sisters Island (Nora Roberts) and Dark Hunters (Sherilynn Kenyon) series that brought me to this genre.

Book Blogger Hop
The Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This meme is hosted by Crazy For Books. This weeks question:
Q. How many books are currently in your TBR pile?
A. This question scares me but I looked anyways :) I wasn't as bad as I thought; only 763 on Goodreads.
 **This is not the physical # of books, that # is between 100-200

Happy Reading and have a Great Week!


  1. Oh I love the Dark Hunters series. Good choice! I think the TBR pile is scaring everyone this morning.

    My Follow Friday Post

  2. I don't dare make a list on Goodreads, that number would probably scare me silly! :) I figure I have about 100 books in a physical TBR pile and I don't dare add other books as that number would be crazy!

    Anja @

  3. Hopping over from the Hop.

    I didn't used my TBR list from Goodreads. I only counted the number of books I actually have in my possession. That way, the number wasn't bad for me hehe.

    My Hop is here:

  4. Counting my TBR from my Goodreads account scares me. Its just so definite when written down. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi, just hopping through from FF. I love PNR, and I haven't read Dark Hunters yet I will have to give it a try. (new Follower)
    Happy Friday,

  6. Hopping by...and I wouldn't dare use the Goodreads numbers...just counted the physical books I own: print books and those on my e-reader.


  7. 763 books!?! Have never read a paranormal romance novel that I've liked, maybe I will check out the ones you listed!!

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  8. New follower from FF here. I LOVE Nora Roberts. I have six of her paranormal romance trilogies on my shelf. I've lost count of how many times I've read them. :) Have a great weekend.

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thats a lot of books to read. I only have a few to read in actual book form...but a big list of books I want when they are released through the year.

    *New follower*

  11. Haha, this question always scares me too! Here's my answer:

  12. Another one for Paranormal Romance!! Yes! I love that too.

    Happy Friday!

  13. Hi there, I'm a brand new follower over from the FF hop. I'm a pretty big fan of paranormal romance ( Showalter, Adrian, and Ward to name a few faves) so it's great to find another fan!

    Please stop my blog when you get a chance. :D
