Thursday, June 11, 2015

Some Thursday Randomness

I haven't actually watched this trailer. Still working myself up to read the final book in this trilogy.

Dinosaurs are always a big hit in our house since my son has wanted to be a paleontologist since he was 5. Also, we are big fans of Pixar films. This scores on two fronts with us.

Fan Art
Have been really enjoying Ghost Story by Jim Butcher. Forgot how much I loved this series. Decided to search out some fan art and found that I really need to read the comics for this series...
Dresden Files TPB cover
by DrewDown1976 (deviantart)
Molly Carpenter
by  KafiraSky (deviantArt)
Fool Moon I3 cover
by Chase Conley (deviantArt)
Bookish Stuff (really just some cover love)

I like the blues on this and it fits with the rest of the series.

I mostly like this cover. My initial reaction was positive but now I'm not sure. Almost wish there weren't people on it.

So, I love blue which means the background is a yes. Some of the character poses for this series are just weird but I like this one better than the last 2 covers.


  1. I think The Good Dinosaur is going to be my daughter's first movie in the theater! She turns 5 in December, and loves dinosaurs so I think that'll be a good one to start.

    1. It looks like a good one for a first movie and that's around the age that we took our son to his first
