Monday, July 28, 2014

Book Review ~ What's a Witch to Do

What's a Witch to Do (A midnight Magic Mystery #1)

by Jennifer Harlow
published by Midnight Ink
genre: Adult, Romance, Mystery (Cozy), Supernatural

Summary (Goodreads): High Priestess might sound like an ’80s hair band, but its Mona McGregor’s life. She runs the Midnight Magic shop in Goodnight, Virginia, and leads a large coven. She’s also raising two nieces and hasn’t been with a man for fifteen years…until a handsome doctor takes an interest in her. But Mona’s life really heats up when Adam Blue, a sexy werewolf, arrives at her door. Adam informs her that someone wants her dead and he is there to protect her. Hell’s bells! When a demon begins stalking her, Mona has to suspect her coven members, and even her family.

With two handsome men and a determined demon after her, Mona teams up with Adam to find out who really wants her dead . . . and who really wants her.

My Thoughts: While this looks and reads more like a cozy mystery, I would definitely label it more under romance. The mystery was there but the "will she ever find love" question was the bigger story line. Since there were plenty of supes in this story it did not bother me that it was a romance.
I liked Mona for the most part. I almost quit the book at one point because the author kept using the term moron but spelling it mo-ron. I was glad when she stopped. Mona flipped a lot between being this strong, high-priestess type character and a whiny why me type. This doesn't sound good but it fit with the character and the situation/town she lived in.
The mystery part of the story was obvious and used more as a reason to throw Mona and Adam together. Even when they "caught" the person responsible you knew it wasn't done.
Overall, I was more interested in the setting and overall supernatural groups than Mona/Adam's HEA. The story of Mona's sister and her 2 nieces is probably what I want to know the most about. Also, the FREAKs. Since there is a series featuring them (F.R.E.A.K.S. squad investigations) I may check it out before reading the second in this series.

Rating: 3.5

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